Dear users! We are happy to announce that our server has been finally transferred onto newer (and more powerful) hardware, which is intended to improve its overall stability and performance greatly. We hope you will find your experience with SI more pleasing.
Dear users! We have improved the algorithm of latest version detection on the site, it's identification should be clearer now. Still in case you should find incorrect ones report these versions for us to edit them manually...
Dear All! As you have probably noticed, we have refreshed the design of our site. We hope you will find it convenient and pleasant to look at - feel free to explore. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! ... and Happy New Software Informer to you too! :)
Dear All! Recently we have received the information that there was a problem with adding SI Client to a startup. Now we are glad to tell you that we have found and fixed it. If you did not have any problems with this earlier, do not mind. Thank you for using...
Dear users! The new SI Client 1.0 BETA build 252 is eventually released. With the new SI 1.0 Beta build 252 you can get notifications of SI news, other user's answers to your questions and comments. In the new version of SI we have improved the algorithm defining the programs and programs'...
Dear Users! The server was under update so it was working unstable on the 15th of July. Therefore some of you who regestered yesterday may have lost the accounts. Also there may appear incorrect notifications of the new versions and number of the comments and questions...
Dear all! As you might have heard, there has appeared a new spyware recently, called System Informer or Software Informer. It has NOTHING TO DO with us. SI client and SI site do NOT contain any malware components, so don't hesitate to go on using...
Dear all! We have created a new Suggest Program Info (SPI) page. Now you can suggest your own information about software. You can write your own program descriptions, provide download links and submit other information there. You can find a link to SPI page on the program page.
Dear all! You can now view the list of all the questions and comments posted...
Have a look at the new Members page! Improved design and new functionality will surely enhance your experience on the site. Now you will know who's online (their usernames are highlighted green) and will be able to view userpics in full size. To add to that, you will get more personal...